Saturday, November 26, 2011

Is Alcohol Bad For the Brain?

!: Is Alcohol Bad For the Brain?

Alcohol will cause speech to be slurred, vision to be blurred, reaction times to be slower and memory to be impaired. Depending on whether a person is drinking on an empty stomach and how quickly they consume the alcohol, these affects can sometimes be apparent after only one or two drinks.

How often a person drinks, when they first began drinking, their gender and size and whether there is a family history of alcohol will all determine what the effects will be.

Heavy drinking is one of the causes of Alcohol Related Brain Injury (ARBI). Alcohol can cause short-term memory loss, dehydration and can lead to falls and accidents. Alcohol can also increase the risk of seizures.

Alcohol abuse can also lead to traumatic brain injuries because someone who is drinking may still drive without making reasonable judgments and may take more risks than a sober person would. Their chance of falling is increased as is the potential of getting into verbal altercations or fisticuffs. Alcoholics tend to have more head injuries; there is a high rate of alcohol abuse before TBI.

Those who continue to use alcohol after a traumatic brain injury have more difficulty with thinking abilities, cognitive function and memory problems. Cells are lost after these types of injuries and other cells will have to work that much harder. If those cells are affected by alcohol, it makes it more difficult for them to work. Alcohol heightens the degree of cognitive difficulties already being experienced.

People who use alcohol after a brain injury don't recover as quickly or as completely and in fact, can lose much of the progress they have made. They will lose what skills they had previously that they could possibly have regained.

For people who have alcohol related brain injury or have suffered a TBI, because of their impaired insight they do not realize that their substance abuse is a problem. These difficulties are exacerbated for counselors working with survivors and those with ARBI because when those with brain injuries report on their use of alcohol the figures are usually inaccurate because of their memory deficits.

For those who have brain injuries, the affects of alcohol will be more quickly apparent. After only two beers, my partner will have problems with speech and attitude and after only one glass of rye, (particularly the way he likes to pour them), he is slurring his words and having difficulty walking. Before his injury, although he drank several glasses every day, I saw no outward signs of inebriation.

These signs become readily apparent because of alcohol's effect on the brain. The only conclusion possible, therefore, is that alcohol is bad for the brain.

Is Alcohol Bad For the Brain?

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Hope for the Alcoholic: Scientific Breakthroughs

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Part of the award winning public television series Healthy Body/Healthy Mind. Alcoholism is a chronic medical disease of the brain and as with many other chronic diseases it needs lifestyle changes, psychological and nutritional counseling and medication to be most effectively treated. In this program we'll explore the latest research that highlights the differences between the brains of alcoholics and the brains of social drinkers. We will show you why a comprehensive approach to treating alcoholism is the best approach to getting the disease under control. We will highlight the benefit of support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and through patient stories offer hope to those who are dealing with alcohol addiction and alcoholism.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

28-Day Alcohol Rehab

!: 28-Day Alcohol Rehab

Generally duration of ninety days is preferred for alcohol rehab programs. However, for people who cannot afford to be in rehab for ninety days, accelerated program options are available that allow patients to transition back home after 28 days with continuing transitional recovery support

People aged twenty and more, from all walks of life participate in such programs. Factors like history of chemical dependency, age, psychiatric history or other variables, may lead to a longer length of stay. Such situations are worked out by senior staff members who work with the client to assess their needs for an appropriate length of treatment.

The 28-day alcohol rehab programs have some of the highest success rates in the world. Mostly people are successful at beating their addiction with only one 28-day treatment. For the success of any alcohol or drug treatment program, the initial objective is to stabilize, achieving and maintain abstinence long enough to create a solid recovery foundation. It becomes imperative for the recovering person to choose to engage in the ongoing process of growth and change, once abstinence is achieved.

People attending these programs participate in education lectures and treatment counseling in both one-on-one and small group settings. Some rehab programs also have additional activities such as yoga, introduction to spiritual principles of recovery and support groups.

The most important point is that most of these alcohol rehab program support the development of self-awareness, self-honesty and self-clarity. Continued engagement in this process leads to the development of self-responsibility, the ability to keep agreements, and self-accountability for one's choices.

Treatment for addiction to and dependencies on alcohol, prescription drugs, and street drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, marijuana, and others are usually done in 28 days. These programs are generally not part of a medical hospital and do not provide medical supervision or detox services.

28-Day Alcohol Rehab

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Identification and Treatment of Alcohol Dependency

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Colin Martin has brought together an excellent set of contributors to produce a truly comprehensive text that will ensure all interested professionals can not only update their knowledge but also better understand each other’s roles and how best to help patients and clients through shared working to achieve a common goal of better health. This book is not just for people who see themselves as having a primary role in the ?eld, but also for those – teachers, the police and family members – who live daily with its e?ects. Professor Dame Betty Kershaw University of Sheffield, UKAlcohol dependency represents an enduring problem for both the individual and wider society. Despite contemporary media coverage on increasingly dangerous levels of drinking in the United Kingdom, the fact remains that excessive alcohol consumption has been a distinguishing feature of Western society for generations. This book is arranged by a number of themed parts, largely representing the key areas in the process of facilitating access to effective clinical management. The book will also be of interest to the wider public who have an interest or concern in relation to alcohol dependency.

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